logo The signals directorate is a structural subdivision of the General Staff of the Armed Forces designed to control the signals troops (hereinafter referred to as signals directorate) in the Armed Forces and Territorial Troops of the Republic of Belarus, as well as a supply agency of the Armed Forces for ground communications equipment, ground jamming equipment for radio communications and radio navigation, computer and copying and duplicating equipment, automation solutions complexes, signals and combat control equipment, radio reconnaissance and special radio communications equipment.

Tasks of the Signals Directorate:

  • organising and controlling signals in the Belarusian Armed Forces and the Regional Joint Force (RJF) of Belarus and Russia;
  • maintaining signals combat ready;
  • developing the Armed Forces signals system, the theory and practice of the Signals Troops’ engagement, as well as new signals techniques within the Armed Forces and RJF;
  • planning engagement of the Armed Forces and RJF signals;
  • organising operation and maintenance of the existing communications and automation systems;
  • improving training and manning of signals control bodies and units;
  • ensuring communications security;
  • supplying the Armed Forces with communications systems;
  • cooperating with signals officers in other ministries and agencies and coordinating the development of special communications lines of the state military establishment;
  • exercising command and control over the subordinate signals units;
  • planning and performing construction, reconstruction, re-equipment and repair of communications facilities.