Belarus’ Participation in the UN Peacekeeping Operations

Belarus’ Participation in the UN Peacekeeping Operations

United Nations Day is celebrated on 24 October.

Being a full member of the world community, Belarus contributes to the maintenance of international peace and security, including through participation in the UN peacekeeping operations.

Belarus decided to join UN peacekeeping in 2009, and a relevant presidential decree was signed on 2 August 2010. Belarus was invited to send its representatives to the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFL), as well as to work out the possibility of sending troops to the UN mission in Cyprus on the basis of bilateral contacts with donor countries of the mission.

Currently, Belarus has five representatives in UNIFIL: four military medical personnel and a staff officer.

The Belarusian military medical personnel work at the UNIFIL Hospital.

The Belarusian staff officer in UNIFIL organises the mission’s interaction with the Lebanese Armed Forces

Since Belarus joined the peacekeeping operations, 13 Belarusian service members have served in the UN missions.

Participation in peacekeeping is an important political step, which aims to enhance the reputation of our country and improve its image as a country proactively involved in the international security system.