Arms Control Issues

Arms Control Issues

From 27 to 31 October, a joint French and German mission will conduct an observation flight over Belarus and Russia on board a C-130H observation aircraft under the Open Skies Treaty. The inspection is aimed at verifying military activities in the observed states.

From 28 to 30 October, a Latvian inspection group will conduct an evaluation visit to the 19th Independent Mechanised Brigade under the Agreement on Additional Confidence- and Security-Building Measures between Belarus and Latvia. The inspectors will verify the reliability of the information, presented by Belarus to the OSCE member states according to the 2011 Vienna Document, on the personnel and materiel of the verified unit.

From 28 to 31 October, a Swedish inspection group will verify a specified area in Belarus under the 2011 Vienna Document. The aim of the inspection is to prove that no military activity subject to preliminary notification under the 2011 Vienna Document is conducted in the specified area. The inspection group will also include a military inspector from Switzerland.